Site Layout Complete

Monday June 18, 2007

Ok, so I think the new site layout change is complete now. If you find a page that's not up-to-date, please contact me.

This is my first attempt at a tableless CSS layout, and it works great in Firefox, IE7, and IE6 (for the most part). If it doesn't look right, TFB! I'm through supporting old antiquated browsers. Firefox is free, and IE7 is available now for Windows XP users. UPGRADE YOUR BROWSER!!!

Have a nice day!

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New Layout

Friday June 15, 2007

Yet another new layout for the site is being implemented, so please be patient. I should have everything finished in a couple of days.

Hope you like it! Comments are welcomed!

comments 0 Comments | days old 6252 days old | Direct Link

Domain Suggestion Tool

Wednesday May 30, 2007

I ran across this really neat tool recently. It suggests domain names based on the keywords that are most searched for in search engines. Having a highly searched keyword in your domain name is a great way to get front page listings in natural search results.

I'm using this tool now for some of my new projects, and you should check it out!

comments 0 Comments | days old 6268 days old | Direct Link